Hike Goals

Hanging Gardens (No Official Trail)
I really tend to be a creature of habit. I often struggle to go outside of my comfort zone (part of that is fear which I will touch on in a later post). However, I know that variety is the spice to life so to speak and I'm grateful to have friends who challenge me to try new things. With that being said, I have create a list of trails that I would like to try this year, in addition to the trails I have found to be tried and true.

New To Me Trails:
Camelback Mountain (which I was lucky enough to complete with the family already)
Wave Cave Trail- Superstition Mountains
Hieroglyphic Trail- Superstition Wilderness
Seven Falls Trail- Sabino Canyon Recreation Area
Lava River Cave- Coconino National Forest
Kendrick Mountain Southside Trail- Kendrick Mountain Wilderness
Picacho Peak- Picacho Peak State Park
Passage 1 of AZ Trail: Huachuca Mountains

A lot of the trails mentioned I actually took from the 52 Hike Challenge Guide, so shoutout to them for the research.

Returning Hikes:
South Kaibab to Phantom Ranch to Bright Angel (Scheduled!)
Spruce Mountain
Granite Mountain
Granite Mountain Hotshot Memorial Trail

Some of these trails I intend to do solo, some are longer and are intended for my distance hiking buddies and some are short (3 miles or less), meant to be shared with my family. I used to be a total snob and think that a hike is only worth it if it was 5 miles or more. But like, what a sad view? So I am happy to have grown and become more flexible in how I experience the outdoors.

I also recently got hired with the Prescott National Forest, so I am excited to explore more trails in my area!


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