Where I'm At Now

So fast forward to hike 22 and I've had some really great adventures. I solo hiked the Grand Canyon, explored more of what my area has to offer and hiked with some new friends. I'm so awkward that I didn't even think I was capable of making new friends, let alone go hiking and camping with them, but I have surprised even myself. I have learned a lot along the way and made some pretty drastic changes.

I feel more confident in my physical abilities, despite being at a heavier weight that I had hoped for at this point in the year. I recently went on a 15 mile hike and while everyone else struggled up the mountain, my legs felt eager to keep moving. It really gave me the burst of confidence that I needed and I really feel like for once I appreciate the size of my legs.

I've also done some really deep self reflection. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Ecology seven years ago. I have done NOTHING with that, to my utter shame. I was laid off from my corporate job at the end of 2016, which was the catalyst of me pursuing a career in forestry or something of the like. I took a job as a server while I waited to hear back from all whence I applied figuring that I would only be there a few months. Five months later....I was rejected from all eight of the positions I had applied for. I cried. Then I bought a planner. Then I hiked the Grand Canyon by myself (mostly because no one else would go with me in the middle of summer). After much reflection, I decided it was time to get really serious. I quit my server job, since working 50 hours while attempting to maintain an extrovert personality type (I'm much more introverted) was too exhausting to foster any other job searching outlet. So here I am, jobless, asking to volunteer/inter/work for free in order to gain some experience in the field, hoping my prior financial prowess will carry me through.

I am also getting back into my good eating habits. I am cooking with my house mates me, we have coordinated meals instead of just quick, fried foods. I plan to be more mindful of my meat consumption and opt for more vegan choices. I find that when I have to really think about what my next meal is going to be, rather than just assuming it will be something I have on hand, generally results in a better overall meal. I look forward to expanding on this aspect, since I really do think it will help with my hiking stamina.

It has been a crazy year thus far an my recent decisions have left me a little scared about what lied ahead, but it would be a lie to say that I wasn't feeling liberated as well. I can't wait to see what awaits for me.

Peace out!


  1. Quitting a job that you know isn't good for you is a hard, but necessary step to finding your passions. May the right place turn up soon!

    And take me hiking with you sometime, please! I'm not sure I can keep up, but I enjoy being out in nature, too.

    1. Hi Sarah, I appreciate your support! It was a scary decision, but one I know that I needed to make. it would be great to go on a hike together! I will message you my contact info so we can stay in touch.


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