Starting From Zero

Sedona as seen from Bear Mountain (📷: me)

There were quite a few things from my vision board that I didn't get to in 2019, but I didn't forget about them. Then end of the year forced me to face a lot of things that I had repressed and decided to be a little more gentle with myself, so I'm choosing to focus on my goals for this year rather than what I did not accomplish last year. My focus this year is healing, so all of my tangible goals are all aimed at minimizing external pain points to allow me to hone in on the things that really make me happy. And with that, requires organization and a belief in manifestation.

I was really conflicted on purchasing a planner this year and ultimately decided on using an old grid notebook from college and just customize it. I pulled inspiration from Erin Condren LifePlanners and Pinterest (of course) to create something that I feel is really suited to my needs. I can be a little.....intense so I needed something that allowed me to write my endless lists and lists of lists, as needed.

This I broke down each of my 2020 goals into five categories and then created my vision board from that. I chose to make an electronic one rather than cutting out things from magazine which I actually thought was a great way to kick off my minimal waste goals!

So my five categories are as follows:

Finances- I want to be more meaningful in my purchases. Even just two weeks in, it has forced me to really look at my shopping habits and how they have been tied my emotional unrest. I really want to move away from toxic coping mechanisms, like retail therapy, and just be content with my own self validation.

Health and Fitness- I am creating challenging goals for myself and have specific milestones that I would like to achieve, but I am also practicing being gentle on myself. So what if I miss a work out or don't get to Yoga that day? Maybe I used that time to instead hang out with friends, or read a book (shout to my book club for keeping me motivated) or just "be".

Career- My public lands career is just getting started. There are always more certifications to acquire, connections to make and specializations to develop.

Home-So many improvements to make and things to declutter. I want my space to be my sanctuary, where everything has a home and a purpose. Less clutter, means less distractions from my mental well being.

Personal-Embrace the feelings. Whatever I feel, it is ok to feel. Feelings don't have to be rational. But don't let them consume me, good or bad. Take more pictures and relish the fact that I have family and friends that love me and whom I love and cherish.

My major take away in creating my vision board and planner for this year, was that I am not alone. I am grateful in that I have never truly been alone, even though I have sometimes felt that way. All I ever needed to do was ask. And that is what I am hoping to carry into this year. I have an excellent support system and I need to use it. And likewise, I need to be that lending shoulder, listening ear or gentle heart for those that need it.


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