Checking In With the Outdoors

So my two preferred methods of outdoor recreation are hiking and running. I do dabble in other things like leisurely bike rides with my family or playing basketball at the local park, but they aren't my normal go-to activities. I have been working quite a bit lately, but I have been trying to make time to be present in the outdoors. I just don't do well with self motivation, so I really have to set up accountability measures and tangible goals.

For example, I recently reconnected with an old work friend. We would text periodically but hadn't really hung out in ages. So we decided to meet up for dinner one night and ended up creating these weekly hiking meet ups with each other. And while we don't make them every week, because life, we have been able to do a few hikes so far this year. Its been really nice to be able to talk and motivate each other in both our physical goals as well as personal goals. It has also been nice to share my struggle with finding healing and peace. She confessed that she often did not know how to bring up the topic of my brother, but when I brought up how I had a melt down over the holidays with my family, it really allowed us to talk about it and I'm grateful. As selfish as it is, it is nice to talk about it to someone who isn't also deeply grieving with the loss of my brother, but rather can just appreciate the grief I am feeling without needing to process their own feelings of grief.

I also have decided to sign up for the Whiskey Row Half Marathon, which is one of the most challenging half marathons in the country. I haven't really been consistent with running in about 2+ years, but felt that I felt my strongest when I was. So here I am, ready to jump back into it. I have been using a pre-programmed app on my phone and selected a training plan to build myself up to a 10K and eventually the 13.1 miles. I have been really happy with my physical profess thus far; I feel stronger both physically and emotionally.

Because apparently all this isn't enough, I also would like to be able to do five pull-ups by the end of the year. To be honest, this is more a vanity thing. Many of my public lands counter parts are able to do pull-ups and are really physically fit. So not wanting to be left out, I do too! I also apparently have a small competitive tendency as well.

So this is my accountability meter. I am going to make time to hike. I am going to try and reflect on my progress while doing so. I will also utilize that to spend quality time with people I care about. And use it as a means to set aside that quality time. And in doing so will progress my healing journey.


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