Hiking Reflections - Vultee Arch

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to hike to Vultee Arch in the Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness and it was one of the more magical hikes of that week. It's a trail that doesn't see too  many people since it's either a bit difficult to drive to or it can be a bit strenuous with significant elevation change, depending the side you come in from. My work rig is a 4x4 Rubicon, so I was able to pop in through the rough dirt road. The hike itself was short but well worth it. The colors this time of year have really been showing off and the morning was crisp and cool. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better day. Of course there was the customary baby diaper and oddly an old deflated balloon that got caught in the trees as well as some minor graffiti, but all in all, not too bad. I felt incredibly grateful.

As I was hiking, I couldn't help but think of what a weird concept hiking actually is. We are all just wandering around out there with food and water, and maybe some other miscellaneous supplies strapped to us. There is no real purpose, other than to just be out there, existing...and walking, endless walking. What an amazing thing to be able to do and what a privilege to be able to do so. Some people in urban settings don't have quick and easy access to the outdoors. There are children out there who have never seen a tree is its natural environment. There are adults who have never experienced true wilderness, when you don't run into another human being and civilization is miles away. We are all so lucky to be able to physically walk out to these beautiful landscapes and appreciate them just as they are.

We are also all lucky to live in a place that values public lands and wilderness for the sake of wilderness (and to be able to place a focus on that because we aren't all struggling to survive). To not develop something for the sake of profit or hubris, but to simply allow nature to exist with as minimal of a human impact as possible. What a lovely concept! And what better way to view, first hand the ability for survival and a niche existence, wherever you may be.

I cannot express enough how very grateful I am for public lands and my access to them. My only wish is that I could bring all those I know and love into those peaceful moments and simply....be.



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