2018 #goals

Setting challenges and creating benchmarks, utilizing metrics is just a part of who I am, that “Type A” personality. Being able to analyze metrics is something that legitimately brings me joy. But I have found a balance between utilizing metrics and setting unrealistic expectations. With that being said, I have set up what I believe to be some realistic expectations for this year.

My brother tried to use his blog as both a method to cope with his anxiety and depression, and he was able to make some really great connections that way. People he would have otherwise been able to meet. I would like to try and carry on that legacy my bringing awareness to mental health issues and document my own healing through outdoor activity.

Live a More Cruelty Free Lifestyle
While I’m not ready to go entirely vegetarian, I would like to go meatless at least three days a week. I am still working on being able to give up cheese and sour cream. But I think that this is a good start in the right direction. I already only use cruelty free beauty and skin/hair care products.

Last year my goals was 20 books and this year it is thirty. I am keeping track of everything on Goodreads.com. I want to be sure that I am reading a wide variety of books and getting out of my comfort zone. I fully intend to take advantage of my local library challenges. I have also created on of my own. I plan to read all of the books in my brother’s bookcase. He was such a huge Stephen King fan, and while I have read a few of his books, I look forward to fully immersing myself in that fandom.

This is a two parter. The first being, getting back into running. Once upon a time, I was running everyday, which in hindsight was perhaps not the healthiest. I would like to try and commit to three runs per week. I currently work three jobs and volunteer so it this will be the hardest part of my yearly goals.
The second part of this is hiking. Last year I tried to take part in the 52 hike challenge and I was over 20 hikes shy of that goal. Given my current situation, I am setting my goal to 42 hikes, ten more than I completed last year. I haven’t gotten my first one in yet, but am looking forward to it.

Self Care
For the most part, solo hiking is my form of self-care, but I have recently decided that I need to go beyond that. Sometime, I let my regular body care fall by the wayside, in particular my feet care. Every since I worked as a server for six months, I know I know a fairly short duration, I have become hyper aware of my feet and their needs. I want to be sure that I am giving them the attention they deserve. But I also want to be sure to take care of my skin and hair. I realize these may all seem like vain things to in terms of self-care, but I believe in paying attention to small aspect of oneself physical form, leads to a better overall self.

Opening My Mail Everyday
This may seem odd, but I HATE the mail. Truly. I will allow my mail to pile up for the whole month and then go through it when I absolutely must pay all my bills. I get quite a bit of mail since I donate, which leads to a lot of promotional material being sent my way. But I hope that by going through my mail, I will also be decluttering all my surfaces, where my mail usually lives.

Volunteer More
I have really slacked on my volunteer duties the past couple of months. It has been hard trying to balance everything. But I really do believe in giving back. And I know that I am not in a position right now to be able to donate money, but I can certainly donate my time.

Organize My Bookshelves
My bookshelves are mayhem and unsightly. There must be order.

Declutter My Wardrobe
This is going to be a real challenge for me. I am a clothes hoarder. I have clothes that I have had since high school, which is over ten years ago. At this point, many things don’t fit me since I’ve gained about 30lbs in the past two years. But I often find myself stuck in the “what if” mind frame. I am pretty sure that I am not going to get back down to my high school weight. I also don’t think I want to anymore. I am really trying to find a health balance with pushing myself to be healthier but also accepting my  body as it currently is. I would also like to just get rid of things that I don’t totally love. I have so many things like that. But being someone who uses their wardrobe as a platform for cosplay, it’s hard not to want to hang on to something “just in case”. But I am going to work on it. My starting goal, will be to get rid of one thing each week….we’ll see how it goes.

Until Next Time,



  1. Good for you for setting attainable goals! And your self-care isn't selfish. If you're looking for books to read, you can raid my collection. I'm happy to share and have a random variety. And yes to sorting through my wardrobe. I did that last year (More on that at http://simplesacredsweet.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-really-matterspriorities.html) and recently wore something that I didn't like and was like, "It's time again."

    1. I read that post and I think it will just a nice weight off. I really want to watch that Netflix documentary Minimalism so draw some more inspiration.


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