I'm Sorry

My brother is and always will be the coolest person that I know. I’m not even quite sure who I am without him telling me what’s cool or not. My brother was such a large presence wherever he went and everybody loved him. I have always been the more cynical between the two of us, but Manuel made me believe in people, because I believed in him. I am always inspired when I think about how he, as one person, has impacted so many lives. I think about all of his kids, because all of his students from the time he started teaching are his kids, and of how proud he is of all of them. He would come home everyday and tell me about their struggles and strife, good days and bad.  Wherever his kids ended up, he usually knew where they were and what they were doing and tried to stay in touch. Each student success, big or small, is a testament to what a phenomenal teacher and person that he was. I am glad to see the teachings of Manuel Chavez go forward and implant in the subsequent generations and that he has made such a lasting impact, one that I hope they will always carry with them.

Manuel’s second family, his ghetto family, have some of Manuel’s most cherished memories. He was so lucky to find a group of people that loved him so completely. A group of people who would feed him pozole and send him home with Tupperware, who would come over just to check in on him and hang out, people he went out with and shared some crazy adventures, too many to even count. He truly loved that family.

I always thought we would conquer the world together, because he always told me that we were better as a team. And I still truly believe that, because I always believed what Manuel told me. I’m not quite sure how to proceed with that legacy since in physical form that team no longer exists. But I have hope, that as much good as Manuel put out into the world and that as much as he paid it forward, that the world has already become a little bit brighter in his brief time here. I hope that my 29 years with the worlds best brother bear and the other M to my M&M, has given me the courage to go forward with the “training” as he liked to call it, the training that he left me with, and maybe not conquer the world as we once prophesized but at least to help make it better than how we came into it. I know that Manuel has already completed his portion and now I will work towards mine.

So to Manuel, the best brother, and the best son, the best cousin, the best nephew, the best teacher, the best mentor, and the best friend.

Manuel J. Chavez, the best there is, the best there was, and the best there is ever going to be.  

12/13/1979 - 10/8/2017


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