The Balance is Restored!

    So, after the fiasco of my last hike, I knew that I had to get right back out there and work it out. Mend the relationship after an argument, so to speak. I've still been in a pretty bad head space and I can honestly say that I cried for like a solid mile out there, but the hike itself did what it needed to do. I felt better afterward and felt like I had created a plan to get me through my problems. It felt good to find a trail that was fairly challenging and required me to just focus the task at hand. Before I knew, my shoulders were no longer up near my ears, my face became less of a scowl and more at rest and my mind felt less restless. It felt good to be doing something where I had to push my body.
    This was a hike that was 75% unfamiliar to me. I had hiked part of this trail before with my dog, so I knew the basics of the terrain. However, I went on a day where the day prior we had had some monumental monsoon storms, so I wasn't exactly sure what I was in for. Thankfully I had my trusty boots, so I knew that I could handle almost anything. It was surprisingly not too muddy. the earth must have soaked up most of the much needed water. The persistent cloud, kept the penetrating sun off me too. The humidity left something to be desired, but over all it was lovely outside. I'm glad I pushed myself to wake up early and go.

The Technical Stuff!

This weeks' hike was number 24 of the 52 hike challenge. I choose Trail 62 until it connected with Seven Mile Gulch (Trail 9854.). The plan was to connect to Homestead Trail #305, however, I miscalculated how much of Walker Road I would have to walk to connect 9854 to 305, so that didn't really work out. I would not recommend trying to connect 9854 to the 305 because I did have to walk for about 2 miles with very little shoulder room. It wasn't the safest choice. Walker Road did eventually make it to the 305, but at that point you can either walk the .25 miles to the 62 trail head back to your or you an walk the few extra miles through the forest. It just depends to your commitment to the hike I suppose.

Total Mileage- 8.13 miles (not including the 2 mile walk from 9854 to trail head 62 where my car was parked)
Trail Head Location- From HWY 96, turn onto Walker Road, the Trail head is approximately one mile in, on the right.
Total Elevation Gain- 1807ft
Popularity- I think most days this is probably a pretty popular trail since it's easily accessible and its picturesque views. This day I was lucky enough to see no one.


  1. I'm so glad that you had a redemptive experience! Way to go for pushing yourself through "the hard" to do what needed to be done.


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