Let's Talk About Boots, Baby

Queue 90's era Salt 'n' Peppa beats.

I can't speak enough about what a good pair of boots will do for you. I had a friend/coworker who believed that you only needed some simple athletic shoes for hiking, and I generally felt inclined to believe him since I'd never really had problems with that. However, I started to doubt that reasoning on one of my camping trips in 2016, when I stepped on a rock and it flipped up and hit of the ball of my ankle. As I started hiking more, the brutal realization of just how clumsy I am, hit me hard... pun intended. So for Christmas I asked for a nice, high qualify (i.e. expensive) pair of hiking boots. Like a true VIP, my mom delivered. She bought me a pair of Columbia Newton Ridge Plus boots. Every time I wear these boots, I fall more and more in love. They are water proof with some serious tread.

As someone who does mostly desert hiking, I though that maybe the water proof component was going to be excessive. However, in each hike that I have been on thus far, has require me to step through water or mushy stuff of some sort. I was all too grateful to have me feet dry and happy during those times.

I also have a tendency to not pick up my feet that much, which probably attributes to my clumsiness. that being said, the sturdiness of my boots has been really great. Each time I stub my toe on a rock, I don't actually feel that pain that a situation like that inflicts. I feel that I have hit something and probably stumble as a result, but it doesn't use any actual damage. Which, in my other, previous boots, that was an issue. I also, don't notice as much the rough terrain. I can step on all sorts of rocks and sharp, pokey things, but not really been all that uncomfortable by it.

I think that I was really luck with these boots, since I wasn't actually there to try them on the store. My mom used her mom magic to pick out the right ones for me. But I do recommend really trying them on before purchase. I also recommend bringing a pair of hiking socks (or whatever socks you wear hiking) with you as well, since my experience is that hiking boots an run a little narrow. I tried buying a pair online, and I ended up having to send them back. There was nothing wrong with the boots themselves, they just needed an owner with narrow feet. Always remember to break in your boots well before getting any serious use out of them. Nothing ruins a hike more than stiff boots.

So I can happily say that I am converted. Hiking boots are the best! It makes me happy to put them on and know that we are ready for whatever adventure lay ahead.

And with that, peace out!


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