Hike 2/52

The Summit Trail

This was a pretty local hike, maybe about one mile away from where I live. The hike itself was created out of the ruin of a dormant volcano. This time, I went with my dog, boy friend and his daughter. It was a pretty wet weekend, but we trudged the four miles up the side of the mountain anyway. It was really great! We probably got an extra work out due to the caked on mud, but the views at the top were worth it. The trail itself was mostly switch backs. We didn't see very many other people, just a few brave souls who also decided to venture through all of the mud.

I have to say, the Columbia boots that I got for Christmas were perfect. At one point, my dog got excited and took me on a crash course through a large mud puddle and my book took it like champs. My feet stayed dry the whole time!

We didn't take much in regards to supplies since it was just a quick trail, 2 miles up and 2 miles back. In hindsight, we should have packed a few snacks as a reward once we got to the top. On the way up, we mapped out what our other hikes throughout the year were going to be. My poor pup was not all that thrilled at the end of the day. I ended up having to really work the mud out of her paws. I will remember not to take her out when it's that muddy again as I don't think she enjoyed it all that much.

Overall a great hike!

Peace Out


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